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Common IT Mistakes Small Businesses Should Avoid

IT Professional at a laptop with his hands up as though he just made an IT mistake

Is your company making these common IT mistakes?

Every company in the world depends on some form of technology to function and achieve success. This means companies, especially small companies, need to put a lot of thought into their IT-related decision. In a small business, these IT decisions can have a huge impact and it’s all too easy to make common mistakes. Being aware of the typical IT mistakes made by other small businesses can help you avoid making them in your small business. Here are a few of the most common IT mistakes we see small businesses make.

  1. No Data Protection- With all the vital information stored on hard drives and servers, data security must be a top priority. If something happened to your data, would you be able to recover? Fire, theft, flood, server malfunctions, and human error can all compromise your data. Not having a backup system in place can leave you high and dry after a data loss.
  2. Going with the Wrong IT Partner- A good third-party IT provider should do more than just sell you new equipment and troubleshoot error codes. They should be helping you set goals and find ways to achieve those goals. By effectively managing the IT environment, managed network service providers can drastically improve business workflows.
  3. Having Unreasonable Password Requirements- Passwords are vital, but your password policy must be reasonable to work well. While weak or non-existent passwords aren’t acceptable, making your requirements so strict that employees resort to writing passwords on sticky notes defeats the point of password policies.
  4. Leaving Everything in One Employee’s Hands – You might be impressed that a single person in your office knows all your passwords and how everything works, but you could be setting yourself up for an enormous problem. What would you do if that employee decided to leave, or became incapacitated due to illness or injury? As the saying goes, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Don’t fall into the same traps that many small businesses do when it comes to managing their IT. Avoid these common mistakes to help keep your company up and running as efficiently as possible.

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