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IT Department Stories: Email Encryption Made Easy

Close-up of smartphone with security-related illustration on screen

All client names have been changed due to confidentiality agreements.

The concept of core competencies was introduced in 1990 in a Harvard Business Review article. This new management tactic preached that businesses should only focus on what they do better than anyone else. So what’s an escrow closing company to do when new cybersecurity regulations distract them from their core competencies?

The Client

Initech Title has been in the escrow closing industry since the mid 90’s. This locally owned and operated company has more than 30 employees split between offices in Tulsa and Owasso. While they have mastered the art of closing real estate deals, they were at a loss when the real estate regulators rolled out new regulations.

The Problem

Once these regulations were announced, Initech realized they needed to find a way to the tighten security of their electronic client communications. This proved to be difficult because no one in the company had any experience with email encryption, but JD Young was able to take care of this issue so they can focus on what they do best.

The Solution

After surveying Initech’s business operations and IT environment, we determined that Office 365 is the best solution for them. This product offers automatic email encryption that requires zero technical know-how to use. Initech could finally focus on their core competencies without worrying about a data leakage or endangering customers’ information once Office 365 was applied.

Our audit also found incorrect software licenses throughout the entire company that had gone unnoticed for years and that outdated hardware was costing the company a small fortune in soft costs. We quickly remedied these issues to avoid disputes with vendors and increase productivity.

The Outcome

Automatic email encryption allows Initech to operate in full compliance without having to pay for frequent and expensive tech support. Upgrading their equipment and licenses boosted productivity to new heights and allowed them to focus on what they do best.

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