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Translation Transformation: Serving Diverse Students and Parents in Your School Community

Clear communication between teachers and parents is critical to ensure student understanding and success. Yet in many schools, communicating with non-English speaking families can involve a long and complicated translation process that compromises instruction and makes it difficult for educators to build productive relationships with diverse communities. Lexmark’s new Translation Assistant is transforming how translation is handled in schools across the country. Teachers and administrators no longer need to wait for days or weeks to get a document translated. With just the touch of a button, they can now translate into over 100 languages in just minutes.

  • Before Translation Assistant:
  • Teacher drafts a letter to parents in the teacher’s instructional language.
  • If the student’s family cannot speak the language, the teacher submits a letter to a school administrator and requests translation to the family’s native language.
  • After the translation request is processed, the document is sent to the agency’s translation services vendor.
  • After several days or weeks, the teacher receives the translated document in an email.
  • Teacher prints one copy of the letter for parents and a second copy for archive.
  • Teacher then mails or emails the letter to the parents and awaits parental response.
  • After Translation Assistant:
  • Teacher drafts a letter to parents in the teacher’s instructional language.
  • If the student’s family cannot speak the language, the teacher scans the document to the Lexmark Translation Assistant at the Lexmark MFP.
  • Minutes later, the MFP prints the translated letter.
  • Teacher mails the letter to parents, puts it into the student’s backpack or emails it to the family and awaits parental response.

Non-English speaking students and families deserve a better approach to communication – so do teachers and administrators. A more productive process for translating documents will help your schools better serve diverse communities, giving every student an equal chance to learn and succeed.

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